
 1) Which part of Media are you looking forward to the most?

Learning how to do the things 

2) What device do you use most to access the media? (The media = news, TV, music, film, social media etc.) 

Social media and music 

3) What is your average 'screen time' (or equivalent) on your phone each day. Is this about right, too little or too much? Why? 

Right amount i spend most my time out with my friends 

4) What was the last TV programme or film you watched?

Final destination 

5) What device or subscription do you use to listen to music?


6) Do you play videogames? If so, what do you play games on and what is your favourite game?


7) Are you on social media? If so, what social media do you have and why do you like it? 

Snap chat bc i can talk to people 

8) Finally, do you think the media is a positive or negative thing for young people? Why?

It depends on the type and age of the child 


Media Language

Design Elements: What colors, fonts, and images are used in

the poster? How do these choices set the tone of the movie?

These a castle and fire so looks like a fairytale 

Layout: How are the main characters or objects arranged in

the poster? What effect does this have on the viewer?

Probably winding why theres a princes a donkey and green thing 

Symbolism: Are there any symbols or visual motifs in the

poster? What do they represent?

There running but look happy 

Tagline: What is the tagline or slogan? How does it

contribute to the overall message or theme of the movie?

It only says shreck

Framing and Composition: What do the positioning of

characters and objects in the frame tell you about their roles or importance in

the story?

These a character in the complet center main character 


Studio/Production Information: Is the name of the production

company or distributor displayed on the poster? How might the reputation of

this company influence audience expectations?

They normally do kid moves so that's what they expect 

Stars and Creators: Are the names of famous actors,

directors, or writers featured prominently? How might their involvement attract

a specific audience?

If there know to be funny they make know what the move genre 

Marketing Strategies: What elements of the poster seem

designed to draw in specific demographics or market segments (e.g., age,


Looks like a fairy tales so for kids 

Release Information: Is the release date or format (e.g.,

streaming, theater) visible? How might this affect how and when people engage

with the movie?

Watch it with kids

Genre Signifiers: What genre conventions are visible on the

poster, and how do they help market the film to its intended audience?

Lots of trailers


Target Audience: Who do you think this poster is designed to

appeal to? How can you tell?

Emotional Appeal: What emotions does the poster seem to

evoke? How might these emotions attract a certain type of viewer?

Audience Engagement: What does the poster suggest about the

audience’s expected prior knowledge (e.g., familiarity with the franchise,

genre, or actors)?

Interactivity: Are there elements like social media links,

hashtags, or other interactive features on the poster? How do these engage a

modern audience?

Demographics: How does the poster appeal to different

demographic groups (e.g., age, gender, culture)?


Gender Representation: How are the genders of the characters

presented on the poster? Are there any stereotypes or subversions of gender


Cultural and Ethnic Representation: Are different cultures

or ethnic groups represented? How are they portrayed visually?

Power Dynamics: What do the body language, facial

expressions, or positioning of characters suggest about power or authority

within the story?

Diversity and Inclusion: Does the poster reflect a diverse

cast? If so, how is diversity represented, and if not, what might that imply?

Social Issues: Does the poster give clues about any social,

political, or moral issues that the movie might explore? How are these issues

visually communicated?


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